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Lawman Handgun Cleanfire Training.45 ACP 230 Grain Total Metal Jacket Centerfire Pistol Ammo 50. 45 ACP 230 Grain Total Metal Jacket Centerfire Pistol Ammo 50 Rounds 53885.

Lawman Handgun Cleanfire Training.45 ACP 230 Grain Total Metal Jacket Centerfire Pistol Ammo 50. 45 ACP 230 Grain Total Metal Jacket Centerfire Pistol Ammo 50 Rounds 53885.

Brand: Speer

Model: 53885

Type: Ammunition

Price: $34.99

MPN: 53885

Product Details:

Speer Lawman Clean-Fire ammunition gives shooters ideal indoor options. These offerings use the patented Clean-Fire primer, which contains no lead, barium or antimony. The TMJ bullet's lead core is completely encased so powder gases can't burn lead off the bullet base.

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